# Fritzlab Ansible Playbooks --- ### Proxmox Hosts We manage Proxmox hosts via Ansible. The following playbook will set the Proxmox settings for all hosts in the inventory file. ```bash $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file vault-password compute/playbook-host-proxmox.yaml -i compute/inventory-host-proxmox.yaml ``` ### Dell iDRAC We manage Dell iDRAC settings via Ansible (via Redfish API). The following playbook will set the iDRAC settings for all hosts in the inventory file. ```bash $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file vault-password compute/playbook-machine-idrac.yaml -i compute/inventory-machine-idrac.yaml ``` ### Fritzlab LXC Base Image We manage the Fritzlab LXC base image via Ansible. The following playbook will create the base image on the Proxmox host. ```bash $ ansible-playbook --vault-password-file vault-password lxc/playbook-base-lxc.yaml -i lxc/inventory-host-proxmox.yaml ``` ### Secrets We use ansible-vault to encrypt secrets. The vault password is assumed to be available in a file called `vault-password`. This password file is not stored in the repository and must be created by the user. It is stored in 1Password under the name `Ansible Vault Password`. #### Add new secret into an inventory file Here is how to encrypt a new secret with ansible-vault: ```bash $ ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file vault-password !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 64383837303638393966666536323131376366613531613966633532633439343961663934373263 6237393730666235326365326430396231623031613166340a386363653865656432373138616232 34393765326262373435373334653838366562616465333536633335356637353335333839613233 6337316139363334650a393238656266643965333630343166366335616539393838366333323934 65616636656235373738306561316431336232376165356465623232313465303435 ``` The result is a string that can be used in a playbook. ```yaml dell_machines: hosts: host001: idrac_password: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 65356164386561376463613762323663633466653432643561313230393131356635646361353265 6437613034393061336565366465656539326366326430650a366331383165333136326535633833 39336366666137623230393261633166313837303432653336636363393936323133636366313636 3738316235663337370a333031643466323962643034313433666236313831643861656461643833 35316235356566333761333635356337373632646365343364373563613034636334 ```